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Source language
English Some scientists have predicted that healty adults...
Some scientists have predicted that healty adults and children may one day take drugs to improve their intelligence and intellectual performance.

Completed translations
Lithuanian Vertimas: Some scientists have predicted that healty adults...
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English tyrimas
Furthermore, suggestions were made by the primary teachers‘ and Form 3-4 students the concrete teaching methods during Mathematics lessons in primary schools and the investigation of the using the ATM during the mathematics lessons in primary schools.

Completed translations
Lithuanian tyrimas
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
English We use this sort of sentence pattern ...
We use this sort of sentence pattern when we want to comment on events or actions that happened in the past. However, the condition in the if-clause was not met (you didn't call me !), so the action in the main clause could not happen (I didn't come).
britų k.

Completed translations
Lithuanian taisyklÄ—
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
French Aux Champs Elysées - Joe Dassin Tu m'as dit,...
Aux Champs Elysées - Joe Dassin

Tu m'as dit, J'ai rendez-vous
Dans un sous-sol avec des fous
Qui vivent la guitare à la main
du soir au matin.
Alors je t'ai accompagnée.
On a chanté, on a dansé
Et l'on n'a même pas pensé à s'embrasser.

Hier soir deux inconnus,
Et ce matin sur l'avenue
Deux amoureux tout étourdis par la longue nuit.
Et de l'étoile à la Concorde
Un orchestre à mille cordes
Tous les oiseaux du point du jour chantent l'amour

meme = même
Deus = deux
Er = et
etoile = étoile

Completed translations
English On the Champs Elysées - Joe Dassin.
Lithuanian Eliziejaus laukuose - Joe Dassin
Source language
Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Lithuanian Vaniliniu sausainiu pagaminimas
Visus produktus sumaišykite, gautą tešlą valandai padėkiteį šaldytuvą. Suformuokite pusmėnulio formos sausainėlius ir sudėkite į kepimo skardą ant kepimo popieriaus.
Kepkite 140-150°C orkaitėje apie 10 minučių (jie turi truputį paruduoti).
Apvoliokite vanilės miltelių ir miltinio cukraus mišinyje.
Saugokite metaliniame uždarame inde.
jei galite išverskite kuo greičiau labai prasau

Completed translations
English Vanilla cookies recipe